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TEXT Chemistry Bundle 2

With everything going online in the pandemic and post-pandemic world, the whole dating and relationship scene has completely changed. It’s no longer about what to say when you meet; instead, it’s all about what you text. Words have always been the most powerful tool – you need to know how to make that power work for you!

If you’ve been struggling to get guys to text you back, welcome to Amy’s world, ladies! You need help, and Amy North has devised a program called ‘Text Chemistry’ that just might be what you’ve been looking for. Let’s take a more detailed look into what the program is and what it can do for you in the dating world!

The Product

The whole concept of ‘Text Chemistry’ is based on effective communication through texts. In an actual meeting, a lot of the meaning comes across via our body language. In texts, that aspect is missing, and hence it can be misunderstood or be plain boring. This ultimately leads to failure and disinterest.

To keep the conversation interesting, you need to grab the man’s attention and keep it hooked. This is exactly what the program is all about – it guides you with tips and tricks on making sure that you have his full attention – he’s attracted. He feels compelled to reply to stay closely connected.

Being an experienced professional counselor and a published author, Amy North is an expert at relationships. With her unique skillset, she guides you on getting a man’s attention with persuasive texts and how to turn it into a beautiful relationship of love. With a foundation of psychological science, the program will teach you how to use “attention hooks” to your advantage!

The ebook has been divided into three main parts:

  • The first part is all about texting rules. It covers mistakes to avoid when texting, perfect text recipes, appropriate wait times before replying to texts, using emojis, and so on. I found this part to be an exciting read as Amy really has wrapped her head around exactly the right way to say the right things, and at the right time!
  • The second part deals with handling the early stages of dating, flirty texting, and how to keep the romance alive in the long run with ‘e-glow’ texts and the like. This section is quite detailed and tells you what to say to make sure you have the guy’s attention!
  • The final module deals with specific situations and what messages to send to tackle them. I found quite a few practical situations like – how to respond if he sends unsolicited nude photos, how to cancel plans, how to handle it when he’s upset, and so on.

Along with the main ebook and 13 videos, there are three bonus books:

  • Whey men Leave – This book talks about relationship mistakes and how to avoid them.
  • The Phone Game – This is all about enticing the man of your dreams using your voice.
  • Tinder Success Secrets – This explains how you can find quality men on the Tinder app.

To sum up, the program teaches you the art of exciting text conversation!

The Positive Aspects

  • The e-book is an extremely stimulating read. The first module especially shows you what guys think, what they expect and how you can use it all to get the right kind of attention.
  • The program can be used at any stage of life and at any stage of a relationship. It covers aspects from pre-dating to long term relationship texts. It covers a lot of ground and hence can work as a handy guide for most women.
  • Amy understands the male psychology well, and it shows in the texts she’s created. Her reasoning is also well explained at each step.
  • The program is a confidence booster. If you are low on self-esteem on the ability to attract men, just use the program and watch the change. When men respond positively to you, it’s bound to make you more confident at this!
  • The three bonuses are not a repeat of what the book covers. Some products out there simply use the “old wine in a new bottle” trick to represent the same information in a different format and offer it as a free bonus. The three free e-books here actually deal with other topics which are all quite helpful.

The Negative Aspects

  • The texts Amy recommends may not be the kind of texts you would typically write. I found some of them to be too sugary or too cheeky. It may not always go with your personality.
  • The whole concept of writing specific texts with attention-grabbing words can be construed as a tad manipulative. To avoid this, I feel you should use the texts which you think convey your emotions correctly.
  • The program is purely a digital download, so there are no physical books that you get. There is only an online version.
  • The price is a little on the higher side. It is backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee. Nonetheless, I would have been more comfortable with a lower price for a product that offers dating advice.

Final Verdict

The ‘Text Chemistry’ program is effective, but you need to use it wisely. It may be easy to get carried away with all the extra male attention! Amy North is a published author and a trained relationship expert; her program works, but it has its downside of you actually toying with a man’s mind and his emotions. Also, I was not fully convinced with the kind of language used in some texts as some of them weren’t things I would say and mean them, however credible they may sound.
I looked at the program as a fun dating guide. So, buy the product if you need help attracting men but use the texts well – you will then have a beautiful relationship, just the kind you wished for!

TEXT Chemistry Bundle

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